have had a wonderful year with our own competition dogs, and our client/student dogs, adding new titles with High in Class and High in Trial achievements among them.
We are ever thankful for the sponsorship and endorsement of our training facility and methods by Pets Go Raw Dog Food. The diet gives our dogs the opportunity of a variety of foods selected for them in accordance with the work they do and their stage of life.
Looking back over the year, it seems as though things simply fell into place and we achieved most of the goals we set in January of 2013.
Castle, pictured above, ended his year as the #1 Rally Obedience Shiba Inu in Canada and he also completed his Rally Excellent, his Companion Dog, and CGN titles! He picked up a second place in WCR, Level R-1 class at Sit Happens! trial in Calgary, and he also got a qualifying score towards his Nadac Xtreme Gaters title. After a bit of a break, he is ready to start some Nosework and Scent work and, in the spring, some more NADAC agility this year.
Drummer, Darryl's sheltie, was the big winner this year and I cannot say enough about this dog.
He has stolen my heart. A more willing, happy to please dog simply can't be found.
This year Drummer picked up his Started Stockdog Title with a tie for first place at the herding trials in Hope, BC, in May.
He gained his Herding Started Title with a High in Trial win at the CCCC Herding Trials in Utopia, Ontario in July which earned him the right to compete in the Herding Showcase in Cobble Hill in September where he did a great job and picked up a fifth place. He was a super flier and never missed a beat no matter where we trialed.
As well as herding, Drummer worked at Open A obedience and came away with 2/3 legs towards his Open title, both with High in Class wins.
He gained his Scent Hurdle Masters title and in his first attempt at WCR Rally obedience at the Sit Happens! trial in Calgary he took first place and High Scoring Team in Trial!!! He also received a qualifying score towards his Nadac Xtreme Gaters title this summer.
Our goal for Drummer is to see if he can get a start on his Herding Intermediate title. In obedience, we would like to finish his Open title and go on to Utility. He has started Nosework and we hope to gain a title in the beginning level of that sport and we have entered some Nadac agility games this winter despite the fact that we have no venue in which to train for this event. And, of course, we will continue to add points to his Scent Hurdle title.
I have Xtreme faith in this wonderful dog.
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