Connemara's Drummer Boy, CD, CGN, RE, USA RN, HI, SdS, SHDMX,

Connemara's Drummer Boy, CD, CGN, RE, USA RN, HI, SdS, SHDMX,
Little Dog..... Big Attitude

with Judith Snowdon

What: Canine Nose Work is a hot new sport that utilizes the dog’s keen sense of smell. Much like drug detection dogs, Canine Nose Work dogs are taught to find specific scents (Wintergreen) hidden in the environment and to alert their owners to the hiding spot. This is a very safe and very fun sport for dogs of all ages!!!
For more info about Canine Nosework, check out
These classes are geared towards introducing new handlers and dogs to this very exciting sport. We will be covering the basics of the sport and giving you the foundations and practice needed in order for you and your dog to be successful at Nosework!

When: Tuesday, January 14th, 7:30 p.m. 

Where: Cowley Community Hall

Cost: $140.00 payable by cheque or cash upon registration.

Questions? Email Judi at or phone 403 628 2175 

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