Connemara's Drummer Boy, CD, CGN, RE, USA RN, HI, SdS, SHDMX,

Connemara's Drummer Boy, CD, CGN, RE, USA RN, HI, SdS, SHDMX,
Little Dog..... Big Attitude

Golden moment

Just found this in the archives of my training movies and wanted to post it to show a really nice advanced rally dog in action.  This is Bess, a personal assistance dog belonging to my friends, Lee and Hank, who were kind enough to see that this dog had to work to be happy.  Since much of being a personal assistant dog is Hurry, Hurry, Wait work, they were kind enough to lend Bess to me so we could get her Excellent Rally title.
Lucky me, eh??

Enjoy, and if you are interested in training a dog for Rally obedience and you want a coach,
try Shadowbar.

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