Connemara's Drummer Boy, CD, CGN, RE, USA RN, HI, SdS, SHDMX,

Connemara's Drummer Boy, CD, CGN, RE, USA RN, HI, SdS, SHDMX,
Little Dog..... Big Attitude

New title for Castle!!!

What terrific news to get on my birthday!!  Castle adds a new title, SHDCh, to his list.  So proud of this little guy who has done so much to change the attitude that members of the public and veterinarians in general have of the shiba inu.

This comes at a time when we really need good news.  Two weeks ago, Easy$, my 38 year old horse whom I have owned for over half my lifetime, crossed the rainbow bridge and an entire era here at Shadowbar Shepherds ended.  For Easy#$ was the first new arrival at Shadowbar when we bought the place in 1981.  I still can hear his whinny and his hooves kicking up the grass in the pasture as he raced my vehicle up the drive.  He was a one of a kind horse, not one to compromise easily, but he was without a doubt, MY horse and I loved him sooo much.

In the end, all that love could do was done.  He rests peacefully here at home.

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