Connemara's Drummer Boy, CD, CGN, RE, USA RN, HI, SdS, SHDMX,

Connemara's Drummer Boy, CD, CGN, RE, USA RN, HI, SdS, SHDMX,
Little Dog..... Big Attitude

I hate Winter!

Today has been a trial.  We have almost three feet of snow everywhere.  We spent today shoveling.. and shoveling,   and shoveling, and ,thankfully, our wonderful 1978 Ford F150 Plowtruck came to the rescue for the really big stuff and did the roads.
Our neighbor, Deb, helped me do the kennel runs, the walkway to the wood pile, and the decks. Must say that the little snow thrower I bought from Walmart has paid for itself.  Wonderful machine. Light, easy to move from one area to the other. 
Up to my coat-tails on my way to the barn to the horses this morning.  Everyone is warm and safe, though.  And I am DONE!  I still have the 16 x26' cement pad to do at the kennel tomorrow, but that is another day.  Then just the north runs to dig out and I can say that I am pretty much okay.
Until the wind comes.  Then, never mind.
Decided that I should rethink the winter rates for boarding dogs.... $20 a day seems almost silly.
I even think that maybe we should consider moving to town.  But then I come to my senses. 
Here's hoping everyone is safe and happy tonight. 
Tomorrow's another day.

Yes, as high as a German shepherd

Cement pad waiting for snow removal

Hunter behind his drift

The ridge this afternoon

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