Connemara's Drummer Boy, CD, CGN, RE, USA RN, HI, SdS, SHDMX,

Connemara's Drummer Boy, CD, CGN, RE, USA RN, HI, SdS, SHDMX,
Little Dog..... Big Attitude

Professonal Profile

Dogs are my business.  
Professional dog training produces proven performance. 
I believe that there is no such thing as “One-size-fits-all education” and that “Differentiated Instruction” & “continued Professional Development are keys to successful dog training. The accomplishments of my own dogs and my students’ dogs are proof that a varied approach to training works. 

I am the trainer / consultant for the AB Karelian Beardog Wildlife Management Teams, a lifetime member of the CKC, & a Rally Obedience and Draft Dog judge.

Whether it's basic manners or a competitive edge you want, you can find it at Shadowbar Shepherds.

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