Connemara's Drummer Boy, CD, CGN, RE, USA RN, HI, SdS, SHDMX,

Connemara's Drummer Boy, CD, CGN, RE, USA RN, HI, SdS, SHDMX,
Little Dog..... Big Attitude


Terrible fog and ice crystals in the air didn't dampen our spirits as Hunter, Drummer and I headed to Phantom Ridge in High River for a lesson with Louanne, whom we have not seen for forever it seems.
Drummer was pretty feisty and turned into Sir Barksalot for his run in the round pen.  Big sheep, new sheep, novel surroundings... but he held it together and brought those sheep to me no matter where I was.  He was able to settle down and do a nice little trot after tiring out somewhat and we have homework.  I need to send him with less gusto to fetch the sheep and help him when he has to go between the sheep and the fence by backing up earlier and drawing the sheep towards me.  I also have to let him find his balance point without telling him, "There," all the time and he has to 'give' space on his flanks.

Hunter worked in the big arena and had 7 or 8 sheep to control.  He was pumped up for the first couple of minutes but settled down quickly to bring the sheep to me.  He worked a bit close to the sheep but they knew he wouldn't hurt them and when we did the fence work, if Hunter moved too far up alongside the end sheep and it stopped following the rest, he would slow down and let it go past to catch up with the rest.  I need to work him in a larger area than our round pen and have him break off to the sides and give more distance on his flanks.  He covers the ground quickly even when he isn't working at it, so rather than have him lie down and walk up and lie down and walk up, I need to push on his shoulder so he lifts it and moves off the sheep on his flanks and I need to push him with my body to keep his distance on his fetch.  

I was really happy with how both dogs performed and I certainly felt more at ease working them, knowing that they would keep the sheep to me as their part of the bargain.

Much to work on.  

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