Connemara's Drummer Boy, CD, CGN, RE, USA RN, HI, SdS, SHDMX,

Connemara's Drummer Boy, CD, CGN, RE, USA RN, HI, SdS, SHDMX,
Little Dog..... Big Attitude

Why Train At Shadowbar?

Last weekend, Shar, Deb, and I travelled to Medicine Hat for the dog show.  We had entries in the Breed ring as well as the Rally Obedience Ring with five dogs entered..... bound to be some conflicts in scheduling, but with the help of our friends, we managed to take in all the rings, and do some winning, too.

Darryl Snowdon's sheltie, Drummer Boy, finished his Excellent Rally title with 98/100 &High in Class on Friday and stayed to play on Saturday, ending up with a perfect score of 100.

My German shepherd, Swazye, finished his Excellent Rally title with 97/100 & second place to Drummer on Friday and got to relax the rest of the weekend.  

Castle, owned by Mountain HIgh Shiba inus of Skookumchuk, BC, soon to be co-owned by me, :) took High in Advanced Rally B every day with scores of 98, 99, and 100 to gain his
Rally Advanced title.  On to Excellent!

Ryder, Sharlet Caroe's GSD, picked up two more 'doubles' towards his RAE VI title, with scores in the 90's in both Advanced and Excellent B. 

Beckett, shiba inu owned by Mountain High Shibas, handled by Deb Golding, went Best of Breed all three days, and Best Puppy in Group on Sunday taking her to 5 points.

Thank you to those owners who trusted us with their dogs.  We know you will be pleased with the new titles and breed wins.

On another note, Hunter and Drummer have begun their herding careers and we think
they will do well in this event.  We'll keep you posted on their successes.

1 comment:

boarding schools said...

Yes! it will be a better idea to send the dog at summer school and i love to see all the dogs at one place with a well trained. Nice post. Thanks for sharing!