Connemara's Drummer Boy, CD, CGN, RE, USA RN, HI, SdS, SHDMX,

Connemara's Drummer Boy, CD, CGN, RE, USA RN, HI, SdS, SHDMX,
Little Dog..... Big Attitude

No School Today

No School Today!!!  At 6:10 this morning, I started the van and tried to back up from my parking space beside the house. Oops. No control.
None. Nada. Kaput. Ice.  Oh, boy, ice!  Fancy driving saved the garage door and the covered dog run.  I drove towards the pasture and backed up at a 'run'.  Yes.  Noooooo!  Narrowly missed the front of the new kennel.  Next question.  Shall we endeavor to go down the driveway? "No, stupid. Of course not," said the rather rude guardian angel, but then, who was I to argue?  Ended up phoning the school and explaining that I would be doing the afternoon shift.  "Please cancel all meetings."  No need.  The school was closed.  The buses could not negotiate the route. Ice.  Rain.  So today will be spent doing flood control in hopes that the wind will continue to blow and will dry up the water as it forms.
I am so thankful that Darryl used the front end loader and removed snow from the corral and the parking lot. Horses are safe for footing.
We, on the other hand, are not.  Hunter has no idea that ice could possibly change his way of travel.  This is NOT the day to wear gumboots when I'm on the other end of a six foot lead with a 85 pound dog with no brain.  I think I'll stay inside until the ice melts.  Put on another pot of coffee and work on Saturday's Rally O course until Darryl and the tractor have scraped the steep part of the driveway.  
Talk later. 

1 comment:

manymuddypaws said...

haha! but hey, at least you get a day off now!!!!